Genetic heritability is a metric of the amount of phenotypic variation in a given trait explained by genetics, the remaining amount being attributed to environmental factors1. Due to the complex interplay between genetics and environmental factors a number of these environmental elements are inheritable too, though not necessarily directly influenced by genetics2,3. Some of these factors that display a degree of non-genetic inheritability include SES4, exposure to environmental toxins5, educational attainment2, and other factors related to wealth and geography6,7. These factors can perhaps be considered “classic heritability”, the degree of variance explained by the combined effects of factors inherited from ones ancestors. However, when referring to “heritability” in this thesis it refers to genetic heritability unless otherwise specified.
Heritability provides a metric by which researchers can quantify the biological relevance of the genome in human traits and disease. Due to the nearly infinite number of environmental factors at play, identifying traits with a high degree of genetic heritability can instead more readily provide an avenue for investigation of the biological pathways associated with the traits by analyzing the SNPs driving the heritability9. In this case, a high degree of heritability would provide researchers with confidence that the genome plays a big role in the trait of interest, and thus makes genetic analysis a worthwhile effort9. That being said, a low heritability does not mean that genetic analysis is not valuable, since it is still possible to derive meaningful biological insights into the trait, with the caveat that these findings amount to a lower percentage of phenotypic variance in the trait of interest9.
Within genetic heritability, there are two main approaches for calculating heritability: twin-based and SNP-based heritability (h2SNP). The former is based on twin studies, and the latter is based on the additive effects of SNPs10,11. Heritability estimates from twin-based studies are usually considerably higher than those from SNP-based studies10. Twin-based estimates are usually based on the differences in phenotype between both halves of monozygotic and dizygotic twins12. SNP-based heritability is commonly defined as a measure of the proportion of phenotypic variance explained by additive effects of all SNP in the genome and is usually calculated using summary statistics from a GWAS13. The difference between the twin-based and the SNP-based heritability estimates is also referred to as the “missing heritability problem”14. A major reason this gap exists is due to the way heritability estimates are calculated15. Whereas twin-based studies use a more direct approach by targeting individuals with known shared DNA, the SNP-based estimates rely on GWAS summary statistics that require sufficient power to detect the variants involved10,15,16. It is therefore reasonable to expect that with increased GWAS statistical power the “missing heritability gap” is likely to shrink, within certain boundaries10,15.
Due to the definition of heritability (i.e. the proportion of variance in a trait explained by genetics), the value to denote heritability has to lie between 0 and 1. For a trait that is entirely modified by genetics and not influenced by environment or gene-by-environment interactions (e.g. Huntington’s diease) the heritability would be close to 1, or 100%. Most traits however are the result of a complex interaction between genetics, gene-by-environment interactions, and environmental factors17. For example, it is clear that for most healthy individuals one’s height is strongly influenced by the height of their parents. However, alterations in diet, disease, and exposure to environmental toxins can influence how tall someone will grow14,18. These factors are not immediately obvious in more complex traits such as depression and many other psychiatric disorders. Heritability estimates for schizophrenia based on twin-studies lie consistently around 80%19,20, whereas estimates of SNP-based heritability for schizophrenia is approximately 23% at the moment21. Similar gaps exist for BIP (h2twin = 75%, h2SNP = 25%), ASD (h2twin = 80%, h2SNP = 17%), ADHD (h2twin = 75%, h2SNP = 28%), and MDD (h2twin = 37%, h2SNP = 21%)21,22.