Genetic correlation & pleiotropy
A related measure to heritability is the genetic correlation (rg). Genetic correlation denotes the proportion of shared variance between two traits that can be attributed to genetics1. The earliest use of genetic correlation dates back to the 70s and 80s, but has taken on a new role in the age of GWAS. Modern genetic correlation studies are able to use both datasets containing individual genomes and GWAS summary statistics. The former uses the genomic REML approach, the latter deploys the LDSC approach2–4. Apart from a few practical advantages, a major conceptual advantage of the LDSC approach is that since it does not use individual-level genomes but uses GWAS summary statistics instead, the likelihood for confounding is reduced since summary statistics can come from different datasets2,4. In addition, since LDSC uses GWAS summary statistics, it is methodologically indifferent to sample overlap or non-congruence2. This feature allows for large-scale genetic correlation analyses using summary statistics from various sources, making it a powerful and efficient tool to analyse shared genetic variance between a large number of phenotypes and traits3.
Genetic correlation studies have identified a number of relevant features of shared genetic architecture3,5. For example, psychiatric disorders show a high degree of genetic correlation3,5,6, as well as strong correlations with a number of other phenotypes and traits7. Identifying the shared genetic architecture can also help leverage the known biology between one of the two traits to make inferences about the other2. In addition, downstream analyses of genetic markers of traits in the analysis can help identify possible avenues for investigations into the traits that display a high degree of correlation with that trait8.
Cheverud’s Conjecture states that genetic correlation usually reflects phenotypic correlation9,10. This is exemplified by the genetic correlation between a number of psychiatric symptoms in several twin studies11–13. Cheverud’s conjecture has also been validated using the LDSC method, providing further evidence that phenotypic correlation may suggest a shared genetic component as well16. This finding is highly relevant in for instance psychiatric disorders, where clinical demarcation may be low and different psychiatric conditions show a large degree of overlapping symptoms18.
Genetic correlation is sensitive to the effect direction of different SNPs2. This means that even though two traits involve the same genetic loci, if the direction of effect for the genetic markers in these loci are opposite varies widely the genetic correlation may be low (see Figure 6.1)19. This overlap in genetic loci despite divergent effect directions is still relevant for identification of biological processes associated with different traits. A single gene may be involved in multiple traits, a phenomenon referred to as pleiotropy20. This pleiotropy between traits can be leveraged in order to provide a measure of shared polygenic architecture and can aid the discovery of new genetic markers in traits with known pleiotropy19,21. Through approaches such as the conjunctional conjFDR and condFDR one is able to boost understanding of the underlying shared genetics and the role of the shared genetic markers in the traits of interest19,21. This has led to insights into the shared genetic loci between psychiatric disorders21–23, and between psychiatric disorders and various other relevant phenotypes such as cognitive scores23, substance use24, and cardiometabolic traits25. These approaches allow researchers to make inferences about pleiotropy and shared genetic determinants even when genetic correlation is low21.
Heritability, genetic correlation, and genetic overlap are different but related measures of assessing the contribution of genetics to a single or multiple traits. Each measures a different concept and provides insights into the genetics of a trait in a different way. As mentioned, heritability measures the proportion of variance in a trait that can be attributed to genetics26, agnostic to effect directions and calculated for a single trait. Genetic overlap and genetic correlation provide insights into the shared genetics between two traits. Genetic overlap quantifies the number of shared genetic determinants between two traits, regardless of effect direction21. Genetic correlation calculates the shared genetic variance between two traits as a product of the genetic heritability of each trait combined, where the effect direction is determined by the combined effects for each genetic variant4. As such, it is possible for two traits to have a high degree of genetic overlap despite showing no genetic correlation27. For an illustration of this concept see Figure 6.1, adapted from Smeland et al. (2020)19.